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How do I get my letter of recommendation?

To get a letter of recommendation for the PPAER, you must meet certain conditions, depending on your situation.

Note that no exceptions will be made. To get a letter of recommendation, you must meet all the following requirements.

1 - Getting a first letter of recommendation for the full examination

To request your first PPAER letter of recommendation from nizus, you must, on nizus:

- Have validated the full PPL course (meaning that you have taken all the sections of all the chapters of all the modules)
- Have spent at least 40 hours on the course and the practice examinations
- Have passed all the quizzes (your scores are not counted) under the "Course" heading
- Have finished all the practice examinations (module examinations and complete examinations) under the "Exams" heading
- Have obtained a score of at least 80% on at least 3 full examinations

You must also attest that you have spent at least 10 hours in flight on board an aircraft, or that you hold a Pilot Permit — Ultra-light Aeroplane.

2 - Getting a second or later letter of recommendation for the full examination

In the event of a complete PPAER failure, you will need to request another letter of recommendation.

In this situation, you must once again get a score of at least 80% on at least 3 full examinations on nizus before you request a letter.

3 - Getting a letter of recommendation for a partial examination

If you only partially pass your PPAER (with a score of at least 60% on the examination, but under 60% on one or more modules), you will need to request a letter of recommendation for a partial examination.

To get such a letter, you must:

- Have already received a letter of recommendation for the full examination from nizus
- Obtain a score of at least 80% on at least 3 module examinations for each module that you did not pass on your TC examination

For example, if you need to retake TC's partial examination on navigation (PANAV), you must retake the nizus module examinations on navigation, and obtain a score of at least 80% on three of them.

Note: The time that is recorded within a single chapter has a maximum duration. For example, if you spend 40 hours in a single chapter, the time recorded for your letter of recommendation will not be 40 hours but the defined maximum duration.

Important: If you have not previously gotten a letter of recommendation for a full examination from nizus, you will not be able to request a letter of recommendation for a partial examination.